12 November 2008


I totally screwed up my sleep schedule.

I haven't been to school in a week. I got some weird not-quite-a-flu-but-almost last week and I stayed in bed for most of Tues and Wed, and then I had my standard Fri-Sat-Sun, weekend, and then Monday off as a bonus holiday from my professor, plus yesterday's holiday. That was one big gift of a holiday weekend, and I slept for as much as possible.

I am now paying the price. It's 7:15am, I've been up since 6:40. What time did I go to sleep last night? Somewhere around 4-4:15ish. I had myself a tiny little nap and am now going to attempt to wrap my brain around Hierarchical Linear Modeling in my multivariate statistics class (which, by the way, is an abomination at 8:30 in the morning).

I'm hoping that this weird phase of alert I'm experiencing will last until 10, at which point I'll board the bus and stumble my way home and back into bed. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to sleep once I get there.

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