22 October 2008


So...nothing happened yesterday. Meh.

Someone didn't turn her paperwork in on time, so the commissioner issued a continuance for next Monday, so she could read everything. I guess that's fair...I'm just tired of waiting, tired of drawing it out, tired of the drama. My guts can't handle it.

I had to see Her again, which...I don't know. She dyed her hair darker. First she gets her hair cut similar to mine, then she dyes it darker? I realize it's most likely coincidence, but with her, there's always that little hint of pathology, so it weirds me out a little. Makes me think of The Craft (I think that was the movie...maybe not), where the girl(possibly the psychotic ex) looks like the guy's girlfriend and gets him to sleep with her. Creepy.

Either way, really.

The upside of going into court only to be told to come back next week was that we found ourselves with a couple hours to spare, which added up to some much needed and much neglected attention to our sex-life. Between school and the kids and court, it just never happens anymore (and by never, I mean something to the tune of once a week). I miss him, when it's like that. The only time in my life when I feel completely whole--the only time I AM whole--is when we're together. Any other time I am only half, really, waiting to come together again. I know it is nauseating and cheesy, and probably more information than most people want, but he is my soulmate and every second of every day that I am not completely united with him, my soul aches.

Which is what makes everything else worth it.


Rach said...

Oh...I didn't know this was going to be one of those blogs...one that talks about ehem...the sex...ehem...

Em said...

Consider yourself lucky to be included in the VERY limited number of people I know who get to read this. Seriously, the number is 3. It's because I love you that much (and because how else would we keep in touch?).

Rach said...

Yeah! I really missed you when you stopped writing in your other blog! I love you too, and I'm so happy that you have found someone who completes you!
I'm glad someone can be as open as you are. I never could be...and people don't like to hear about old married people sex anyway...